
Since the launch of HireChecker earlier this year at the Recruitment Agency Expo, recruiters using the service are discovering that back door hires are taking place at an alarming rate.

A leading Manchester based recruiter managed to discover and collect on 3 back door hires within the first 3 months of using the service.

HireChecker is quick and easy to use, providing peace of mind that if candidates are being hired without your knowledge then Sterling will find out. If need be we can also help you to collect the placement fee with our commission only debt collection service. Sterling have dedicated recruitment sector collection staff with expertise in getting back door fees paid without the need for legal action.

When reading your terms and conditions Sterling can determine how far back historical introductions can successfully be collected. We often collect on back door placements that have occurred more than 12 months ago.

Interested? www.recruitmentdebtcollection.com

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